lundi 13 mai 2013

Identity 110 words

Identity (authorship, gender, race, sexuality...)

Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior of inferior to another, that a person's social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics.

The term sexism are attitudes or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of sexual roles.
There is a 'everyday sexism project' based on anonymous story that people leave on the website if they are affraid or 'don't feel able to protest'.
From the past, human kept norms, like keeping the use of he in general or also the sentence 'Don't cry like a girl' or even 'boys doesn't plays with dolls'.

Banksy 162 words


I Hate This Font

Bansky identity is still secret, according to author and graphic designer Tristan Manco and the book Home Sweet Home, Banksy 'was born in 1974 and raised in Bristol, England'. 
He became famous after his film 'Exit From The Gift Shop' with Mr. Brainwash.
He use stencil as a techniques and also graffiti. 
I think there a problem in what is happening in the art market but also in some governments, because they keep his pieces in the streets and his work gets to be sold at some ridiculous prices. 
When you now that people go jail in England for a piece of graffiti on metal or eather plastic, who ask you questions when in the other part a name as the one 'Banksy' is taken thousand times in pictures.

After the buzz on Banksy, the art market has been changes with a considerance of the street art, with artists like 'Space Invaders, Jonone, Blek Le Rat, Banksy...

Jonhatan Ive bio 90 words

Jonathan Ive

He was born in London 1967 and studied art and design at Newcastle. He was working as a consulting in a design office in London.
In 1992, he gets to work with steve Jobs to create the first iMac that went on a 2 million sell and then mooved to San Fransisco where the Apple design is based.
His first product model was the 'Newton'

The iMac 1998, the iPod 2001 and the iMac G5 2004, have been created by Jonathan I've and the Apple Design team.

dimanche 12 mai 2013

Olly Moss biography 99 words


Olly Moss is a young graphic designer living and working in winchester, UK. Most of his work are designed posters for films or art style covers for books or games. He has been commissioned by big companies like Sony, Universal Pictures, Mondo, Penguin Books...

Posters for the fantastic gaming podcast
A Life Well Wasted

Les Miserables poster for Universal Pictures and Mondo & the work with Sony to create the art box and branding for Resistance 3.

Work with The Academy and Gallery 1988 to create the official "85 Years of Oscars" poster for the 85th academy Awards.

Modernism / Post-Modernism 46 words

Modernism and Post-Modernism

Modernism is a term who changed the history on a economic and cultural part (house, comsumption, cars...) It brought 'Design'.

Released from 'Gestalten', edited by Robert Klanten and Hendrik Hellige

Allner, W (1953) Fortune

Post modernism is about computers, mobile phones, MP3, CD, cinema effects...

Semiotics 105 words


Semiotics means 'the study of signs' more preciously visual signs.
In this Photography, they are different signs like the skull who is smoking showing the death, but also all the different packs of cigarettes are signs in the final photography.
In Art in general, as if its for  artworks or  photographies each person interprets the work as their own signs but every details has a rules.

Chris Jordan Photographic Arts
Skull with Cigarette, 2007 [based on a painting by Van Gogh] - 98X73
Depicts 200,000 packs of cigarettes, equal to the number of Americans who die from cigarette smoking every six months. (

c'est un signe composé de signifiant et signifié

samedi 11 mai 2013

T-shirts 119 words


The start of this project was at the beginning of the year I've started to design this illustration in my sketchbook. After a week on it, I wasn't so sure what to do. But with time I saw that around me, in university and also in my friend group, we can start work together as a collectives and that every person can be a task different in what there specialities are.
  Then I found a fabric who had good selling prices for a amount of 50 t-shirts so I went straight to it !
And now, more than half is sold and I'm glad that people liked it.
I'm now thinking starting to do something really serious and try to make a sort of brand that sell is one products and design on paper, canvas or clothes for clients.

Don't Abuse to much.